LONPAC - London Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Meeting

King's College London

King's College London

Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS, London
Malcolm Fairbairn, Miguel D. Campos, Miguel Escudero

COVID19 UPDATE: Given the global situation we have postponed the conference. We will decide a new date depending on how the global situation evolves in the upcoming months. We will send relevant information once we have a better idea on when would the conference take place.

LONPAC is a five-day meeting aimed to discuss the most recent advances and developments in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. Topics that will be covered include: Dark Matter (both particle phenomenology and astrophysical probes), Axions, the particle physics of the early Universe including phase transitions, gravitational waves and any other beyond the standard model physics.  We are happy to have invited key speakers in the field and we aim to generate a relaxed atmosphere where new collaborations can be made.

The conference will be held in the heart of London at King's College London.

There is no registration fee. Coffee breaks, two dinners, and social activities will be provided.

This conference is supported by the ERC, under the grant DARKHORIZONS.

  • David G. Cerdeño
  • David Marsh
  • David Weir
  • Laura Lopez Honorez
  • Malcolm Fairbairn
  • Michel H.G. Tytgat
  • Miguel Campos
  • Miguel Escudero