
TPPC weekly seminar (in-person): Betti Hartmann - "Black holes and boson stars with new scalar hair"

Strand Building, S7.06

Strand Building, S7.06


Speaker: Betti Hartmann (UCL)

Title: Black holes and boson stars with new scalar hair

Abstract: Static, spherically symmetric black holes can carry scalar hair when coupling standard Einstein gravity minimally to a self-interacting complex scalar field and a U(1) gauge field. For this scalar hair to exist, the frequency of the scalar field needs to be fine-tuned. In this talk, I will discuss these solutions and point out that for sufficiently large gravitational coupling, the space-time splits into two distinct parts: (a) an inflating interior and (b) an exterior which is described by the extremal Reissner-Nordström solution. Moreover, for a specific range of parameters, the scalar hair develops spatial oscillations, i.e. black holes can carry so-called "wavy" scalar hair. I will also discuss the globally regular counterparts of these solutions: charged boson stars.