
A non-unitary solar constraint for long-baseline neutrino experiments

by Andres Lopez Moreno

Strand, S7.06

Strand, S7.06


Long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments require external constraints on sin2θ12 and Δm221 to make precision measurements of the leptonic mixing matrix. These constraints come from measurements of the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) mixing in solar neutrinos. Here we develop an MSW large mixing angle approximation in the presence of heavy neutral leptons which adds a single new parameter (α11) representing the magnitude of the mixing between the νe state and the heavy sector. We use data from the Borexino, SNO and KamLAND collaborations to find a solar constraint appropriate for heavy neutral lepton searches in long-baseline oscillation experiments. Solar data limits the magnitude of the non-unitary parameter to (1−α11)<0.046 at the 99% credible interval and yields a strongly correlated constraint on the solar mass splitting and the magnitude of νe non-unitary mixing.