
Establishing the nature of the neutrino mass with SNO+ (and beyond)

by Javier Caravaca (UC Berkeley, USA)



Why is there more matter than antimatter in the Universe? This is one of the most fundamental questions in modern physics and no definite answer has been provided yet. An explanation to this mystery could be given by neutrinos. Discovery of the lepton number violating process neutrinoless double-beta decay would lead to the first observed mechanism that generates more matter than antimatter and it would immediately indicate that neutrinos are Majorana particles, potentially explaining the matter and antimatter asymmetry puzzle. The SNO+ experiment is pursuing the challenge of searching for this process using a metal-loaded large-scale liquid scintillator detector. I will present the SNO+ approach, status and recent results, and I will discuss the future techniques that could provide one of the most sensitive experiments to neutrinoless double-beta decay.